Padang Tourism
Puncak Lawang
Puncak Lawang is the name of a peak in the highland area in Matur District, Agam Regency. From this place, we can see the blue of Lake Maninjau. Apart from that, Puncak Lawang is also often used for National and International Paragliding Championships.
The Clock Tower Monument
The Clock Tower Monument stands 26 meters high in the middle of Sabai Nan Aluih Park, which is considered the central point (zero point) of Bukittinggi City. The construction does not use a metal frame and cement, but uses a mixture of limestone, egg white and sand.
Carocok Beach
Carocok Beach is a white beach that is never empty of visitors, the white sand of the beach is truly charming, the rows of coconut trees lined up along the beach, make the heart of anyone who sees it feel comfortable and all the burdens of thinking due to daily work activities will disappear.
Air Manis Beach
Air Manis or in Minang dialect called 'Aia Manih' is a beach with a wide coastline, sloping contours and whitish brown sand. This beach is known for its small waves and has a beautiful panorama on the north side.
Anai Valley Waterfall
Anai Valley Waterfall is administratively included in the Nagari Singgalang area, Sepuluh Koto District, Tanah Datar Regency. This waterfall is part of the Batang Lurah river which originates on Mount Singgalang.
Sianok Canyon
Sianok Canyon is a narrow valley surrounded by steep hills decorated with a small river flowing in the middle. The contour of the Sianok Valley was formed due to the descent of some of the earth's plates, giving rise to faults in the form of steep ravines.
he Grand Mosque of West Sumatra
The Grand Mosque of West Sumatra or also known as the Mahligai Minang Mosque is one of the largest mosques in Indonesia, located in North Padang District, Padang City, West Sumatra Province. This mosque, whose construction is still under construction, is the largest mosque in West Sumatra.
Maninjau Lake
Maninjau Lake is a volcanic lake located right in the heart of Agam Regency, West Sumatra. Located at an altitude of approximately 460 meters above sea level, this lake stretches over an area of 100 square km with an average depth of 105 meters. With this area, Maninjau is the eleventh largest lake in Indonesia.
Istana Pagar Ruyung
Istano Basa Pagaruyung, better known as the Great Palace of Pagaruyung Kingdom, is a museum in Nagari Pagaruyung, Tanjung Emas District, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra that is designed to replicate the palace of the Pagaruyung Kingdom. The palace is approximately 5 kilometers away from Batusangkar.
Alahan Panjang Tourism Village
Alahan Panjang Tourism Village is located at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level with a temperature of 19-210 Celsius, has two lakes, namely Lake Above and Lake Below and has one volcano that is still active (Gunung Talang). Distance from Minang Kabau International Airport, 70 km with a travel time of 2 hours.
Harau Valley
Harau Valley is a natural tourist attraction in the form of a wide plain surrounded by stretches of natural rock cliffs. The panoramic beauty of the Harau Valley is formed by the steep cliffs of the hills that surround it, as if it were a giant wall enclosing the valley below. The walls of this masterpiece of the Creator of the Universe rise approximately 200-400 meters high, creating interesting shadow patterns to watch in the morning and evening.
Nagari Tuo Pariangan
The tourist village of Nagari Tuo Pariangan is a beautiful village located on the slopes of Mount Marapi, an active volcano in the highlands of West Sumatra Province. Located at an altitude of 800 - 1000 meters above sea level, Pariangan has a hilly and mountainous topography with cool air. This geographical position also provides beautiful and fertile natural gifts for the Pariangangan tourist village where tiered rice fields delight the eye from the slopes of Mount Marapi to the valleys below and even to Lake Singkarak.
Pulau Siburu, Mentawai
Di arah barat daya dari Kota Padang, ada tempat yang sangat terkenal di kalangan peselancar karena ombaknya dan anginnya yang kuat. Kalau kamu suka bermain selancar, maka kamu wajib datang ke Kepulauan Mentawai. Selain itu, kunjungi juga Pulau Siburu yang tak berpenghuni dan punya keindahan menakjubkan. kamu bisa berenang, memancing, atau bahkan menyusuri dan berfoto di pasir timbulnya yang luas.
Pantai Pasir Jambak
Pantai Pasir Jambak terletak 17 kilometer dari pusat kota Padang. Pantai ini memiliki kontur yang luas dan datar membuatnya cocok sebagai rute bersepeda. Banyak kegiatan yang dapat kamu lakukan saat berada di Pantai Pasir Jambak, mulai dari aktivitas berenang, berjemur, bermain, hingga menyewa perahu. Pantai yang cukup bersih dan disuguhkan dengan pemandangan laut dihiasi jejeran pulau-pulau kecil di tengah lautan
Kampung Kelahiran Muhammad Hatta
Bung Hatta's Hometown is located on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta No.37, Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. This house is where Bung Hatta was born and spent his childhood until he was 11 years old. Mohammad Hatta was an Indonesian statesman, nationalist, and independence activist who served as the country's first vice president. Bung Hatta continued his secondary education at Meer Uitgebred Lager Onderwijs (MULO) or secondary school in Padang city.
Pantai Padang
Pantai Padang merupakan salah satu tempat wisata di Padang terfavorit. Terlebih setelah Pemerintah Kota Padang memoles destinasi ini dengan berbagai fasilitas. Ketika cuaca cerah, Pantai Padang termasuk tempat yang ideal untuk menyaksikan matahari terbenam di ufuk barat dengan bias merahnya yang mengagumkan. kawasan pantai Padang juga sudah memiliki berbagai objek wisata baru, seperti Monumen IORA
Jembatan Siti Nurbaya
Jembatan Siti Nurbaya merupakan tempat wisata di Padang yang sangat ikonik. Jembatan ini membentang sepanjang 156 meter di atas Sungai Batang Aru. Pemberian nama Siti Nurbaya sendiri tidak lain karena karena fungsinya sebagai akses penghubung menuju Gunung Padang yang menjadi latar tempat novel klasik Siti Nurbaya. Selain sebagai jalur akses penghubung, jembatan ini biasanya juga dijadikan tempat untuk menikmati panorama matahari terbenam dengan pemandangan Kota Tua Padang.
Pulau Pamutusan
Pulau Pamutusan berada di Bungus Teluk Kabung, Padang. Salah satu keunikan dari pulau ini adalah lokasinya yang tersembunyi dan bisa ditempuh dengan menggunakan kapal kecil dari Pelabuhan Muara, Padang, sekitar satu jam perjalanan laut. Luas pulau ini hanya sekitar delapan hektare dan hampir seluruh area daratannya tertutupi pohon kelapa dan tanaman bakau. Pulau Pamutusan. Salah satu destinasi liburan yang masih sepi dan terjaga keindahannya ini punya perairan tenang yang jernih Kamu bisa berenang dan snorkeling